6 Powerful Video Marketing Tips You Need to Know

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When we talk about marketing, video marketing is rapidly gaining popularity in the digital world. Nowadays, marketers make use of this marketing strategy very effectively to engage customers effectively. It continues to be one of the most favorable trends for brands, both big and small. Every small or big digital marketing expert has started focusing on creating unique and informative videos for increasing brand awareness.

Video marketing is an all-time high marketing trend and this will continue to grow in the coming years. It is proven to be a vital medium, and acquisition tool for sales, leads and, brand awareness. Nearly 78% of people watch videos online weekly and 55% watch daily. So, take advantage of this and focus on promoting your brand with this marketing strategy.

Let’s look at a few tips to help you bring your video marketing strategy to the fore:

1. Engage Viewers With Attention-Grabbing Videos –

Consistent and regular video posting across all social media platforms is a standard best practice for building a relationship with your audience. Keep your stories authentic to you and true to your brand. It will engage your viewers and force them to come back for more. Attract your customers by doing social media optimization of your videos through Facebook, Instagram, and others.
Engage Audience With Attention-Grabbing Videos


2. Optimize Your Video For Mobile Devices –

Videos has gained its importance at the top of marketing techniques. It continues to rise as one of the best marketing strategies to be followed. But make sure to optimize them for mobile screens and that too vertical. Nearly, 75% of the mobile users would prefer to watch vertical video on their phones, rather than horizontal.
Optimize Your Video For Mobile Devices


3. Make SEO Friendly Videos –

Video marketing is a great way to achieve your SEO targets. In-fact it is one of the best medium by which you can increase your SEO ratings to a great extent. Good quality and attention-grabbing videos drive more traffic to your website & landing pages. It will also compel your audience to learn more about your business.
Choose a clear and attractive title that gives the viewers an idea about the topic that the video is based on. Also, describe it in a short and powerful description. Make sure the link is featured on the first-line of your descriptions to drive traffic to your website.Create SEO Friendly Videos


4. Do Video Marketing On Authentic Sites –

Share your videos on highly authentic websites and forums that are relevant to your brand. By doing so, you are not only increasing your brand awareness but also your website’s authenticity. After watching an inspiring and interesting video on your web page, the audience anticipates the next message to feature soon after. This will boost your website traffic and give video marketing the next level of importance and trust.
Do Video Marketing On Authentic Sites


5. Include Subtitles & Sound in Your Video –

Include relevant subtitles in your videos rather than putting irrelevant stuff. People don’t have time, they look for short, precise, and informative videos. If they didn’t get what they want then they will move to your competitors. Go ahead and add a music track or even a voice-over track. This is the key point to be remembered while creating your video. Include Subtitles & Sound in Your Video


6. Make It Less Professional and More Real –

It is advised to create real videos instead of making it fully professional. It should be based on your brand and also promote it subtly to strike the right audience. The better you get at telling stories through video, the more your viewers are going to relate to your brand and understand your product or service offerings.Make Videos Less Professional and More Real for Better Marketing


Final Words –

Now you’re equipped with the best video marketing tips and trends for 2020. It’s time to create the best and get the best! So, put your creative hats on and get started with your video productions to stand out in the crowd. Don’t forget to keep it short, simple, and informative and include keywords in your video. For more information contact us.

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